Remote Control Glider Club in Costa Mesa, CA
Charter #128 Costa Mesa, CA
AMA's Oldest Radio Controlled Soaring Club
Founded in 1962, AMA Chartered Since 1964
Silver Leader Club Since 2009. Gold Leader Club Since 2011.
HSS Flying Field is Open !!!
Free Flight, DLG, Hi-Start, and Winch Launch Gliders Only
Located in Fairview Park, Costa Mesa
First and Third Saturdays of the Month
Welcome to Imaginology 2021! This year, this will be a virtual event. Please click these links and explore the wonderful world of aviation! Harbor Soaring Society hopes we can all return to seeing each other in person soon, and we would like to greet you if our flying field reopens later this year.
On that note, we could really use some help from you. Like everyone else, our activities have been severely curtailed due to covid. We had been hopeful about getting permission from the city to reopen in the summer, but recently the Fairview Park Steering Committee voted to not allow us back to the field where we have been flying for almost 60 years. We may eventually be allowed to fly in the same area as the trains, but this will not occur for 2-3 years.
The Costa Mesa City Council will make a final decision at their June meeting. We would greatly appreciate the support of the public at this meeting. Email: